Ursuline Sisters A.H.J.



from the Constitutions of the Ursuline Sisters of Jesus Agonizing:


Be  attentive  to the Word of Christ: "I thirst" answering to the love of  the  Divine  Heart,  giving  oneself  to  Him  totally and without reserve, so that He may extend through us the work of salvation.

Let  us desire to live more fully for Christ and for His Mystical Body which  is the Church, consecrating all our efforts to the extending of the kingdom of God on earth.


For  this  reason:


- Know and love the Divine Heart of Jesus.

- Place  as  centre of our personal and community life the participation at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass;

- Cultivate a special devotion to our Lady "Star of the Sea"

- Abandon oneself with trust to the Holy Will of God.


"God  our  Father  in  his  ineffable  love  has chosen and called us, through  the  Holy Spirit, to leave everything, to follow Jesus Christ by  means  of  the  profession  of  the  evangelical  counsels  in the Congregation of the Ursuline Sisters of Jesus Agonizing.


This  vocation  unites us in a special way to the mystery of the Agony of  Christ, sent by the Father, who has loved all humanity as to offer for  them  death  of the Cross, so that everyone, participating to his death and his resurrection, may reach the fullness of life.


The specific mission of the Congregation is:

To announce Christ, the love of His Heart...


By means of:

Education and instruction to children and to youth;

Service to our most needy brothers and sisters and to the oppressed;


All forms of activity which tend to the evangelization of the world.


The  Ursuline  sister  of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Agonizing must and wants to: consecrate herself to the poor. 

Be  sensitive  to  the  signs  of  the times, open to the needs of the Church and of all humanity;

Live  in  the  spirit  of  truth,  of  simplicity  and of service with HUMILITY.


Siostry Urszulanki, Masista wa Ursula, Ursuline Sisters, Soeurs Ursulines, Hermanas Ursulinas,

Irmas Ursulinas, Ursulinen Schwestern,